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East Africa Internet Governance Forum 2024
Wednesday, September 11

8:00am EAT

East Africa School of Internet Governance (Closed Session)
Wednesday September 11, 2024 8:00am - 1:00pm EAT
Wednesday September 11, 2024 8:00am - 1:00pm EAT
Addis Hall

2:00pm EAT

Empowering Youth in Policymaking for a People Centred Digital Future in East Africa
Wednesday September 11, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EAT
The majority of East African youth were born into an era of widespread internet access. As such, they have a unique perspective and stake in shaping the digital policies currently being developed. These policies, which cover crucial areas such as data governance, artificial intelligence, and e-governance systems, will define the continent's technological landscape for decades to come. It is crucial that young people actively participate in these deliberations to ensure that the policies crafted today will support a future that aligns with the aspirations and needs of Africa's next generation.

For the East African digital ecosystem to progress efficiently, it is crucial to break down the emerging digital barriers within regional policies. This can only be achieved by empowering youth with the skills and knowledge necessary to contribute meaningfully to the creation of a unified and inclusive digital future. Empowerment is rooted in participation and inclusion, providing young people with the opportunity to be heard and to influence the course of digital development.
This panel discussion aims to highlight the importance of empowering East African youth to be active participants in the development of a people-centred digital landscape in the region.

  • Equip youth with the necessary skills and knowledge to engage effectively in digital policymaking.
  • Create platforms for youth to participate meaningfully in policy dialogues and decision-making processes.
  • Foster a vibrant ecosystem for youth-led digital initiatives that address societal challenges.
  • Promote digital policies that prioritize the needs, rights, and aspirations of young people.
Policy Questions: 
  1. What are the most pressing digital challenges facing young people in East Africa?
  2. How can we effectively integrate youth perspectives into the policymaking process?
  3. What role can technology play in bridging the digital divide among young people?
  4. How can we support youth-led initiatives and entrepreneurship in the region?
  5. What are the key principles for developing youth-friendly digital policies?
Expected Outcomes: 
Increased awareness among youth about the importance of their involvement in digital policymaking.
Identification of key areas for enhancing digital literacy and capacity-building among youth.
Formation of actionable recommendations for supporting youth-led innovation and entrepreneurship.
Development of a framework for advocating for inclusive and human-centric digital policies in East Africa.
avatar for Keith Andere

Keith Andere

Executive Director, African Centre for Climate Research and Innovations - ACCRI
avatar for Jesse Nathan Kalange

Jesse Nathan Kalange

Coordinator & Convener, East Africa Youth IGF
Jesse Nathan Kalange is an IT security specialist, cyber diplomat, and digital rights advocate with a strong background in technology and is known for his involvement in the fields of cybersecurity, internet governance, and information technology, particularly within the African context... Read More →
Wednesday September 11, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EAT
Addis Hall

3:00pm EAT

Empowering Democracy: Mitigating the Impact of Internet Shutdowns
Wednesday September 11, 2024 3:00pm - 4:30pm EAT
Session will  train Human Rights Defenders, Journalist and Representative from CSO with tips to bypass the impact of Internet Shutdowns. The training will cover the following topics.
  1. Introduction to Internet Shutdowns.  
Meaning of Internet Shutdowns ● Importance of the Internet. ● Events that triggers Internet shutdowns ● Impact of Internet shutdowns (How internet shutdowns harm human rights?) ● Forms of Internet Shutdowns
2. Mitigating Internet Shutdowns. 
● Determining Likelihood Of Shutdowns using Common justifications. ● Preparing for an internet shutdown: Briar and Bridgefy ● Staying Active and informed: Circumvention and Anonymity During a Shutdown. ● Accessing the net with VPNs

3.Documenting Human Rights Violations During Internet Shutdowns ● Why is recording during Internet Shutdown important? ● Useful tools for offline documentation during internet shutdowns. (ProofMode: Verified Witnessing, EyeWitness to atrocities and Tella).

4. Measuring Internet Censorship with OONI tools. ● How is internet censorship implemented? ● Why measure internet censorship? ● How to measure internet censorship ● What is OONI Probe? ● Potential risks ● Running OONI Probe ● Accessing OONI Probe test results ● Interpreting OONI data ● How OONI Probe checks website blocking ● How OONI Probe checks the blocking of instant messaging apps ● How OONI Probe checks the blocking of circumvention tools

Wednesday September 11, 2024 3:00pm - 4:30pm EAT
Addis Hall

4:00pm EAT

Welcome Cocktail (by invitation)
Wednesday September 11, 2024 4:00pm - 7:00pm EAT
Wednesday September 11, 2024 4:00pm - 7:00pm EAT
Addis Hall
Thursday, September 12

8:00am EAT

Participant Registration - Local Organizing Committee
Thursday September 12, 2024 8:00am - 8:30am EAT
Thursday September 12, 2024 8:00am - 8:30am EAT
Victoria Hall

8:30am EAT

Opening Ceremony
Thursday September 12, 2024 8:30am - 9:00am EAT


Barrack Otieno

Chairman Board of Trustees, Dot Africa Foundation
avatar for Mr. Pierre Dandjinou

Mr. Pierre Dandjinou

VP, Stakeholder Engagement, ICANN
Pierre Dandjinou is currently Vice President, global stakeholder engagement at ICANN, theInternet Corporation for Assigned Names and numbers, headquartered in Los Angeles,California.. Pierre coordinates ICANN's engagement with African stakeholders and oversees theimplementation of... Read More →
avatar for Ms. Anja Gengo

Ms. Anja Gengo

Associate Programme Expert / National and Regional IGF Initiatives Focal Point, United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF)

Eng. Daniel Murenzi

Principal Information Technology Officer, East Africa Community
avatar for Lillian Nalwoga

Lillian Nalwoga

Convernor, Internet Sociey Uganda Chapter

Joshua Mpairwe

President, Internet Society Uganda Chapter
Thursday September 12, 2024 8:30am - 9:00am EAT
Victoria Hall

9:00am EAT

Key Note Address: Opening Ceremony
Thursday September 12, 2024 9:00am - 9:30am EAT
avatar for Hon. Kabbyanga Godfrey Baluku

Hon. Kabbyanga Godfrey Baluku

Minister of State for National Guidance, Ministry of ICT and National Guidance
Thursday September 12, 2024 9:00am - 9:30am EAT
Victoria Hall

9:30am EAT

High Level Panel: “Building our Multistakeholder Digital Future for East Africa.”
Thursday September 12, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am EAT
The session will explore approaches to building a digital future for East Africa. Panelists will deliberate on how the region can leverage digital technology to drive economic growth, enhance digital governance, and improve the quality of life for its citizens. Key areas to be discussed include; improving infrastructure development, strengthening regulatory frameworks and policies to foster digital trade and e-commerce, harmonising data protection and privacy laws, developing robust cybersecurity frameworks and cross-border collaboration on cybercrime, among others.
avatar for Robert Ford Nkuzi

Robert Ford Nkuzi

Senior Technical and Policy Advisor, Telecommunications Management Group (TMG)
Robert N. Ford is a digital and technology business and policy consultant based in Kigali, Rwanda. He has career spanning over 24 years in the ICT industry and has played leading and significant roles in that space in Rwanda, East Africa and Asia – Pacific region, remarkable among... Read More →
avatar for Gbenga Sesan

Gbenga Sesan

Executive Director, Paradigm Initiative
‘Gbenga Sesan is the Executive Director of Paradigm Initiative, a pan-African social enterprise working on digital inclusion and digital rights through its offices in Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Zambia and Zimbabwe. He is also a Non-Resident Fellow at the Digital Civil Society... Read More →
avatar for Alex Obatre Lumumba

Alex Obatre Lumumba

Clerk, East Africa Legislative Assembly
avatar for Shirley Gladys Nakyejwe

Shirley Gladys Nakyejwe

​Senior ICT Officer & Intellectual Property Management Specialist, Ministry of ICT & National Guidedance - Uganda
Shirley Gladys Nakyejwe is an Intellectual Property Management Specialist and alumna of the Young African Leadership Initiative (YALI) Program, a flagship effort of the United States Government to invest in the next generation of African leaders. She is also a graduate of the Alumni... Read More →
avatar for Dr. Bello Moussa

Dr. Bello Moussa

Head of Innovations & ICT Strategies, Huawei Southern Africa
Dr. Bello Moussa is responsible for the design and implementation of new solutions and technologies aimed atsupporting developing countries in unleashing digital opportunities for inclusive development. His areas of expertise include broadband infrastructure, wireless telecom protocols... Read More →
avatar for Mercy Ndegwa

Mercy Ndegwa

Public Policy Director, East & Horn of Africa | Economic Policy Lead, Africa, Meta
Head of region on Public Policy strategy management and advisory managing country leads and cross functional work streams across East & Horn of Africa. Also Africa team lead on Competition Policy, Fintech, Trade & e-commerce, Copyright & IP, Economic Policy, Business Integrity... Read More →
Thursday September 12, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am EAT
Victoria Hall

10:30am EAT

Tea/Coffee Break
Thursday September 12, 2024 10:30am - 11:00am EAT
Thursday September 12, 2024 10:30am - 11:00am EAT

11:30am EAT

Greening the Internet with Solar Powered Routers
Thursday September 12, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am EAT
The rapid growth of Internet usage and digital infrastructure has led to a significant rise in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to global climate challenges. This session explores innovative solutions to these issues, focusing on the role of solar-powered routers in reducing the carbon footprint of Internet infrastructure.

By integrating renewable energy, particularly solar power, into digital networks, we can drive sustainability in ICT development while expanding connectivity in off-grid and underserved areas. The presentation will cover case studies from East Africa, including successful deployments of solar-powered routers in remote regions, and how they contribute to digital inclusion, cost savings, and environmental benefits.

Victor Turyahebwa

Network & Production Engineer, Research and Education Network for Uganda (RENU)
Thursday September 12, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am EAT
Victoria Hall

11:45am EAT

Presentation of 2024 National IGF reports
Thursday September 12, 2024 11:45am - 12:00pm EAT
Thursday September 12, 2024 11:45am - 12:00pm EAT
Victoria Hall

12:00pm EAT

Digital Hustle: How East Africa's Youth Are Innovating, Disrupting, and Thriving in the Tech Era
Thursday September 12, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm EAT
The evolving digital landscape in East Africa calls for enhanced youth engagement, focusing on digital literacy as a pathway to employment, social change, and advocacy. A panel discussion will delve into bridging the digital skills gap through community-based training and partnerships, especially for marginalized groups. It will explore how youth harness technology for activism while navigating challenges like misinformation and cyberbullying. Emphasizing digital rights,
the discussion will address creating ethical online spaces. The future of work, shaped by automation, requires adaptive skills, and the panel will discuss strategies for inclusive tech, gender equity, and youth participation in policy-making processes for a more inclusive digital ecosystem.

Lubowa Hood

Oxfam Uganda

Denise Ayebare

Youth Presidential Advisor

Beatrice Kayaga

Projects Coordinator, Internet Society Uganda Chapter

Sedric Otolo

Thursday September 12, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm EAT
Addis Hall

12:00pm EAT

Inclusive AI Governance: Enhancing Human Rights and Ethical Development in East Africa
Thursday September 12, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm EAT
Inclusive AI Governance: Enhancing Human Rights and Ethical Development in East Africa.

The development of new technologies, like Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents many opportunities, both good and bad. The end-product user is mostly never involved in the development of AI technologies. To this end, the developer has a limited understanding of the risks associated with the products they produce until the product is in the market. Additionally, there is no inclusive involvement of the public in the development of laws and regulations meant to govern the development of AI technologies. Focusing on participatory governance, the session will explore how public involvement, including CSOs, can shape responsible AI policies and practices. Drawing from the principles of Open and Transparent AI, and other global best practices, we explore foundational questions required to develop responsible AI technology and put the spotlight on those who need to be held accountable for unethical developments and uses of AI technologies. The panel will highlight the importance of embedding human rights and ethical standards in AI laws and technologies, ensuring AI technologies benefit society while mitigating potential harms. We also ask who should be responsible for ensuring that the end user is protected from unethical technological developments and involved in the deployment and development of technology.

avatar for Muthuri Kathure

Muthuri Kathure

Advocacy Lead, East and Southern Africa, Mozilla
avatar for Rachel Magege

Rachel Magege

I'm Rachel Maxmillian Magege, a lawyer by profession and training, holding great experience in data protection law, legislative analysis, alternative dispute resolution, digital & tech law, and regional integration frameworks for Africa. Working in project implementation at Pollicy... Read More →
Thursday September 12, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm EAT
Victoria Hall

12:00pm EAT

The Green Tech Revolution: Multistakeholderism for sustainable climate action
Thursday September 12, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm EAT
The Green Tech Revolution: Multistakeholderism for Sustainable Climate Action in East Africa.

The green tech revolution is rapidly transforming industries and economies worldwide, offering immense potential to drive sustainable development and climate action. However, developing regions like East Africa risk being left behind without concerted efforts from diverse stakeholders. This session will explore how multistakeholder collaboration can harness the power of green technologies to tackle climate change and foster inclusive growth in East Africa.Key topics to be discussed:
  • Mapping the green tech landscape in East Africa: Identifying promising sectors and technologies with high impact potential
  • Aligning policy, innovation and investment: How can governments, investors and startups work together to fast-track green tech adoption?
  • Bridging the green skills gap: Upskilling the workforce and promoting STEM education for a green future
  • Enabling international cooperation: Leveraging global partnerships and technology transfer to accelerate green tech diffusion
  • Financing the green transition: Innovative financing mechanisms and incentives to mobilize capital for green tech startups
  • Driving consumer demand: Raising awareness and shifting mindsets towards sustainable consumption

The session will feature insights from policymakers, investors, entrepreneurs, and development experts, showcasing successful models of multistakeholder collaboration for green tech-driven climate action. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the opportunities and challenges in this space, and learn about practical strategies to drive the green tech revolution in East Africa.By bringing together diverse voices and perspectives, this session aims to catalyze new partnerships and initiatives that harness the power of green technologies to build a more sustainable, resilient and equitable future for the region.

  1. Jacqueline Amongin - MP, Uganda
  2. John Robert Turyakira - Climate Champion, Uganda
  3. Barrack Otieno, Trustee, KICTANet
  4. Tabitha Wangechi - Digital Rurals, Kenya.
  5. Keith Andere, Moderator

Policy Questions

  1. How can multistakeholder partnerships be structured to ensure that all voices, especially those from marginalized communities, are heard in the green tech space?
  2. What role do you see for government policy in promoting green technology adoption, and what specific policies would you recommend?
  3. How do we measure the impact of green technologies on both environmental sustainability and economic growth in the region?
  4. What financing mechanisms are most effective in supporting green tech initiatives, particularly in developing regions?
  5. How can education and training programs be designed to equip the workforce with the necessary skills for a green economy?
  6. What challenges do you foresee in the implementation of green technologies, and how can stakeholders collaboratively address these challenges?
  7. How can we ensure that the benefits of green technology are equitably distributed among different socioeconomic groups in East Africa?
  8. What lessons can be learned from successful green tech initiatives in other regions that can be applied to East Africa?

avatar for Keith Andere

Keith Andere

Executive Director, African Centre for Climate Research and Innovations - ACCRI
Thursday September 12, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm EAT

1:00pm EAT

Thursday September 12, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm EAT
Thursday September 12, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm EAT

2:00pm EAT

All eyes on Kenya’s Impunity! Examining the Abductions and Arbitrary Arrests of 50+ Digital Activists
Thursday September 12, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EAT
On 7th April 2024, Duke Nyabaro, a Kenyan blogger, was found dead, kneeling with a rope around his neck. A postmortem confirmed manual strangulation, ruling out suicide. His death highlights a disturbing rise in the deaths and abductions of political bloggers and online activists in Kenya, with over 50 digital activists abducted in 2024 alone, many during the #RejectFinanceBill protests by Gen Z. Article 19 Eastern Africa, Paradigm Initiative, and the Bloggers Association of Kenya condemn this alarming trend of murders, arbitrary arrests, and violence against bloggers and digital activists. In response to this worrying trend, we have held meetings with digital activists nationwide and provided VPNs to enhance their safety as they continue to hold the government accountable. Notably, there is a lack of current and accurate data on blogger insecurity in Kenya, which prompted us to work on comprehensive research covering 2018-2024.

Specifically, the objectives of this open forum are:
  1. Discuss the report's initial findings on blogger and activist safety in Kenya (2018-2023). 
  2. Raise awareness about the increasing violence against bloggers and digital activists at county and national levels. 
  3. Share best practices and experiences on the right to blog and safety and security for bloggers and digital activists. 
  4. Brainstorm the way forward for strategic advocacy at national and regional levels

Angela Minayo

Program Officer, Digital Rights and Policy/EA, Article19 - EA

James Wamathai

Partnerships and Advocacy, Bloggers Association of Kenya (BAKE)

Renne Kamau

Independent Researcher
avatar for Miriam Beatrice Wanjiru

Miriam Beatrice Wanjiru

Programmes Officer, East Africa, Paradigm Initiative
Miriam identifies as an Afro-politico-feminist; she is a Public Policy Practitioner by training and a scholar with a profound interest in Tech Policy, local and International Politics, and Gender Affairs.Currently serving as the Programs Officer for East Africa at Paradigm Initiative... Read More →
Thursday September 12, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EAT
Addis Hall

2:00pm EAT

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Digital Democracy: Tackling Behavior and Information Manipulation in Contemporary Democratic Processes
Thursday September 12, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EAT
This session addresses the critical issue of misinformation in the digital democratic space. As various
countries experience heightened civic engagement—through elections, demonstrations, and public discourse—the proliferation of misinformation and deep fakes threatens informed participation and the integrity of
democratic processes.
The panel discussion will feature experts from diverse fields, providing insights into:
  • Legal and Policy Perspective: Legal ramifications, freedom of speech balance, and policy recommendations for digital governance.
  • Journalistic Perspective: Impact on public discourse, tools for detecting false information, and AI in fact-checking.
  • Activism Perspective: Role of social media, strategies to counter misinformation, and media literacy education.

  • Media and PR Perspective: Media's responsibility, adoption of AI technologies, and future trends.
    Technical Perspective: Insights from engineers and developers on AI technologies, their capabilities and limitations, and the ongoing research and development in combating misinformation.

    1. Raise Awareness: Educate participants about the dangers of misinformation and digital manipulation in the digital democratic space.
    2. Promote AI Tools: Highlight the potential of AI-powered tools in identifying and combating misinformation and deep fakes.
    3. Empower Fact-Checking: Equip participants with knowledge on how to use AI fact-checking tools to verify information, especially during election campaigns.
    4. Foster Civic Participation: Encourage informed civic participation and critical thinking among youth and the general public.
    5. Policy Advocacy: Develop actionable recommendations for policymakers to enhance digital governance and mitigate the spread of misinformation.
    Podcast: A podcast episode capturing the key discussions and insights from the session, to be made available on digital channels for broader public access.

    Policy Brief: A comprehensive policy brief summarizing the session’s findings and recommendations, to be shared with stakeholders such as policymakers, media, and the general public.

    Talking Points for Panelists:
    Legal / Policy Point of View
    Legal Implications of Misinformation:
    Discuss the legal consequences of spreading misinformation and deep fakes.
    Analyze current laws and regulations addressing misinformation and digital manipulation.
    Rights and Responsibilities:
    Highlight the balance between freedom of speech and the need to curb misinformation.
    Provide insights into how legal frameworks can protect democratic integrity.
    Policy Recommendations:
    Suggest legal reforms to strengthen digital governance.
    Advocate for policies that support the use of AI tools in the legal sector to combat misinformation.


Canary Mugume

Investigative Journalist, NBS Television Uganda

Raymond Qatahar Mujuni

Investigative Journalist, NTV Uganda

Timothy Kalyegira

Media Practitioner, Nation Media Group]

Silver Kayondo

Partner, Ortus Advocates]

Janet Machuka

Digital Communications Specialist

Morine Amutorine

Software Engineer / Data Analyst, UN Pulse Lab
Thursday September 12, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EAT
Victoria Hall

2:00pm EAT

Traditional and New Media for the Internet We Want
Thursday September 12, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EAT
The session will look at the Traditional and new media values that have been engrained and so how do we merge the values of the Internet we want that is free and not fragmented bring value to our audience.

avatar for Winnie Kamau

Winnie Kamau

Editor, Association of Freelance Journalists
I am a Freelance Data Journalist and an Editor at www.talkafrica.co.ke. I also head a network of Freelance Journalists at the Association of Freelance Journalists. Also a current Governing Board Member of International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) representing the CSO community.I... Read More →
Thursday September 12, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EAT
Kyoga Hall

3:30pm EAT

Health Break
Thursday September 12, 2024 3:30pm - 3:45pm EAT
Thursday September 12, 2024 3:30pm - 3:45pm EAT

3:45pm EAT

Strengthening Cybersecurity and Data Governance
Thursday September 12, 2024 3:45pm - 5:00pm EAT
The session will specifically explore:
  •  the importance of robust cybersecurity measures in building a resilient African data economy.
  • policies and regulations to enhance data governance and mitigate cyber threats.
  • collaborative efforts and partnerships for improving cybersecurity infrastructure and
  • capacity building across East Africa.

The session will also:
  • Contribute to the East Africa IGF being the venue for discussion on cybersecurity in internet governance and related issues.Link the session at the East Africa IGF to relevant sessions and discussions at the African and global IGF in November and December 2024 respectively.
  • Collect inputs and suggestions to further the works of the EAC and the east African countries to make future support/collaboration in cybersecurity and data governance fit the needs of African stakeholders.
avatar for Theoneste Ngiruwonsanga

Theoneste Ngiruwonsanga

Project Manager, Cybersecurity & Data Privacy, Smar Africa
Theoneste Ngiruwonsanga is the Project Manager in charge of Cybersecurity and Data Privacy at Smart Africa. He has over 13 years of working experience holding IT technical and managerial positions. The last 8 years are mainly about his experience in managing cybersecurity, data privacy... Read More →
avatar for Sarah Muyonga

Sarah Muyonga

Public Policy Manager | East and Horn of Africa, Meta
avatar for Mr. Henry Owera

Mr. Henry Owera

Deputy Director, ICT Policy and Strategy, Ministry of ICT and Postal Services, South Sudan
DiploFoundation alumni, Internet governance adherent, ICT policy and strategist engrossed in South Sudan ICT sector, and regional digital integration initiatives in the EAC, Horn of Africa, and IGAD focused on Digital Public Infrastructure development, regional broadband connectivity... Read More →
avatar for Mrs Olga Kavira Kinyamusitu

Mrs Olga Kavira Kinyamusitu

Director of Data Régulation and Applications, Ministry of Post, Telecoms and Digital Affairs of the DRC
avatar for Mutheu Khimulu

Mutheu Khimulu

Board Member, African Centre for Security (ACS) Resilience, Science & Technology|
Mutheu A. Khimulu is Kenya's first formally trained cybersecurity lawyer and a pioneer in the field across Africa. She holds a Master of Laws (LLM) in Cybersecurity, Counterterrorism, and Crisis Management from the University of Maryland and has extensive expertise in data privacy... Read More →
avatar for Lucrezia Biteete

Lucrezia Biteete

Senior D4D Expert, GIZ -Uganda
Thursday September 12, 2024 3:45pm - 5:00pm EAT
Victoria Hall

5:00pm EAT

Closing Ceremony and recognition of regional ICT partners
Thursday September 12, 2024 5:00pm - 5:30pm EAT
Closing Ceremony
  • Open mic
  • Award ceremony (recognizing leading digital transformation partners in East Africa)
  • Closing remarks

Eng. Daniel Murenzi

Principal Information Technology Officer, East Africa Community
avatar for Lillian Nalwoga

Lillian Nalwoga

Convernor, Internet Sociey Uganda Chapter

Barrack Otieno

Chairman Board of Trustees, Dot Africa Foundation

Joshua Mpairwe

President, Internet Society Uganda Chapter
Thursday September 12, 2024 5:00pm - 5:30pm EAT
Victoria Hall

5:30pm EAT

End of Meeting and Departure
Thursday September 12, 2024 5:30pm - 11:30pm EAT
Thursday September 12, 2024 5:30pm - 11:30pm EAT
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