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East Africa Internet Governance Forum 2024
Thursday September 12, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm EAT
The Green Tech Revolution: Multistakeholderism for Sustainable Climate Action in East Africa.

The green tech revolution is rapidly transforming industries and economies worldwide, offering immense potential to drive sustainable development and climate action. However, developing regions like East Africa risk being left behind without concerted efforts from diverse stakeholders. This session will explore how multistakeholder collaboration can harness the power of green technologies to tackle climate change and foster inclusive growth in East Africa.Key topics to be discussed:
  • Mapping the green tech landscape in East Africa: Identifying promising sectors and technologies with high impact potential
  • Aligning policy, innovation and investment: How can governments, investors and startups work together to fast-track green tech adoption?
  • Bridging the green skills gap: Upskilling the workforce and promoting STEM education for a green future
  • Enabling international cooperation: Leveraging global partnerships and technology transfer to accelerate green tech diffusion
  • Financing the green transition: Innovative financing mechanisms and incentives to mobilize capital for green tech startups
  • Driving consumer demand: Raising awareness and shifting mindsets towards sustainable consumption

The session will feature insights from policymakers, investors, entrepreneurs, and development experts, showcasing successful models of multistakeholder collaboration for green tech-driven climate action. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the opportunities and challenges in this space, and learn about practical strategies to drive the green tech revolution in East Africa.By bringing together diverse voices and perspectives, this session aims to catalyze new partnerships and initiatives that harness the power of green technologies to build a more sustainable, resilient and equitable future for the region.

  1. Jacqueline Amongin - MP, Uganda
  2. John Robert Turyakira - Climate Champion, Uganda
  3. Barrack Otieno, Trustee, KICTANet
  4. Tabitha Wangechi - Digital Rurals, Kenya.
  5. Keith Andere, Moderator

Policy Questions

  1. How can multistakeholder partnerships be structured to ensure that all voices, especially those from marginalized communities, are heard in the green tech space?
  2. What role do you see for government policy in promoting green technology adoption, and what specific policies would you recommend?
  3. How do we measure the impact of green technologies on both environmental sustainability and economic growth in the region?
  4. What financing mechanisms are most effective in supporting green tech initiatives, particularly in developing regions?
  5. How can education and training programs be designed to equip the workforce with the necessary skills for a green economy?
  6. What challenges do you foresee in the implementation of green technologies, and how can stakeholders collaboratively address these challenges?
  7. How can we ensure that the benefits of green technology are equitably distributed among different socioeconomic groups in East Africa?
  8. What lessons can be learned from successful green tech initiatives in other regions that can be applied to East Africa?

avatar for Keith Andere

Keith Andere

Executive Director, African Centre for Climate Research and Innovations - ACCRI
Thursday September 12, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm EAT
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